Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Monster Cans; the scariest objects ever.

So it's exactly... 3:24 a.m. And I am wide awake. I have been wide awake for days straight. No matter how hard I try, I cannot fall asleep. Thanks to creepy noises in my mom's apartment. I had to stop writing for a couple minutes so I could hide underneath my blankets and wimper.

I hate night time
So basically if I close my eyes I see Paranormal Activity. You'd think I'd call someone right? Maybe a friend, a boyfriend, or anybody? Oh, I do...

Boyfriend is so helpful sometimes
I know he's a heavy sleeper, but if I'm getting maimed by invisible demons or whatever, I at least want to leave a message recording the whole disaster.

So what do I do when nobody is awake and I hear noises?

Ghosts always win
Eventually I fall asleep under my fortress of blankets, but not until about 5 or 6 in the morning. And this has only been at my mom's apartment...

Now at my mom's old house I was scared out of my freaking mind. Thanks to my step dad...

He thought it'd be damn hilarious if he tied a string to one of my monster cans and pulled it when I was just about to fall asleep. I had been watching a ghost show with him an hour or so before I decided to go to bed. Ghosts freak me out more than anything in the entire world and he knew that. The following ensued.

My step dad stood outside my door ready to pull the string at any moment he chose. I was blissfully unaware of the terror that was about to happen. Nice and sound in my cozy blankets. 

I swear my step dad isn't asian, he's just evil
And then...the cans exploded from my dresser. Exploded. Flew into the air crashing into the walls, the tv, and themselves. It was fricken terrifying. I jumped out of my bed within a matter of seconds screaming like a god damn knife was lodged into my side. My screaming caused my mom to shriek too. My step dad stood there shocked, completely bewildered that his ridiculous prank had actually succeeded. I hid in my mother's room for a good hour or so. Silently weeping and trying to imagine dancing cupcakes.

My mom told me she had never seen anyone run out bed so quickly, she was literally crying from how funny it was. Thanks again, mom.

I was 16 at the time....

And that is why I am deathly afraid of the dark...and monster cans.

Cupcakes can't protect you from possessed Monster cans and ghosts. And neither can boyfriends


  1. Haha the picture of you clutching the bear made me laugh out loud. Sorry you can't sleep in the creepy apartment...

  2. Haha the picture of Jake denying your phone call made me laugh.

  3. hahaha, i get the SAME way when I see a scary movie!

    When I go the bed at night, or getting ready, idk why but I start thinking of the SCARIEST shit.. like paranormal activity and then im like "crap crap lets try NOT to think of paranormal activity".. such a fail :(

  4. Didn't realize you had a blog! Absolutely hilarious. My stomach is killing me. Like, I was laughing so hard my stomach now hurts :)
